You don’t lose deals because your pricing is confusing. You loose them because buyers are confused by your pricing. There’s a difference. The second recognizes that you, the product marketer, can bridge the gap by helping buyers grasp your pricing more easily. Pricing calculators are one way to do that. Here’s a great example from HubSpot, who created a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator. For a large platform like HubSpot, with numerous products and optional add-ons, calculators like this are a critical tool for helping buyers make sense of their pricing. Here's what I love about it: • It has a currency converter, letting buyers look at pricing in their own currency • It has a comparison column, making it easy to compare investments across vendors • It has a number of helpful tooltips, many noting that a high % of customers pay $0 for many of their features Try the calculator yourself
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Buyer Enablement